alle waren ssds
es waren alle ssds,also executor klasse.das mit der länge is so ne sache da gibt es unendlich viele streits wie lang sie jetzt wirklich anfang hiess es sie sind 11 mal so lang(17600m) wie sd dann kam das rollenspiel mit 5 mal so lang (8000m).nach jede menge sreits gab dann lucas arts bekannt in seiner magic cd das die ssd 8mal so lang sind wie sd also (12800m) wie ihr seht is das genau die mitte,denn die eclipse klasse ist 17500m und das war das grösste flagschiff von imp,wär ja komisch wenn die ssd länger wären.also is 12800 m jetzt die richtige länge.ich finde auch das viele bücher die ssd runtermachen,die ssd waren die absoluten kriegsschiffe gegen die ganze flotten keine chance haben,aber wie schon gesagt wurden sie manchmal schon von paar xwing fertig gemacht lächerlich.
hier noch paar technische daten.
Super Star Destroyer
Craft: Kuat Drive Yards' Super Star Destroyer
Type: Super-class Star Destroyer
Scale: Capital
Length: 12,800 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Super Star Destroyer
Crew: 279,144, gunners: 1,590, skeleton: 50,000/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 6D, capital ship piloting 6D+2, capital ship sheilds 5D+2, sensors 5D
Passengers: 38,000(troops)
Cargo Capacity: 250,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 years
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 4
Hull: 10D
Shields: 8D
Passive: 75/1D+2
Scan: 150/3D+2
Search: 300/5D
Focus: 8/6D+2
250 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 100 front, 75 left, 75 right
Crew: 1 (100), 2 (150)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 7D
250 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 100 front, 50 left, 50 right, 50 back
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Space Range: 5-20/40/60
Atmosphere Range: 10-20/80/120 km
Damage: 10D
250 Concussion Missile Tubes
Fire Arc: 50 front, 75 left, 75 right, 50 back
Crew: 1
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 2-5/30/60
Atmopshere Range: 4-24/60/120 km
Damage: 9D
250 Ion Cannons
Fire Arc: 100 front, 50 left, 50 right, 50 back
Crew: 1 (100), 2 (150)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-10/25/50
Atmosphere Range: 2-50/50/100 km
Damage: 4D
40 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 20 front, 10 left, 10 right
Crew: 1
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 9D
Starfighter Complement:
Pre-Thrawn Empire:
96 TIE/ln Fighters
24 TIE Interceptors
24 TIE Bombers
Post-Thrawn Empire:
60 TIE/ln Fighters
48 TIE Interceptors
24 Scimitar Assault Bombers
24 TIE Advanced Fighters
12 TIE Bombers
Ground/Air Vehicle Complement:
25 AT-AT
50 AT-STs
3 prefabricated garrison bases
Except for the Death Star battle station [and the Eclipse and Sovereign classes of Super Star Destroyers],
the Super-class Star Destroyer is the largest warship ever constructed. Eight times the length of an Imperial Star Destroyer,
each carries more than a quarter million troops and crew.
Over 1,000 turbolaser batteries, ion cannons, and tractor beam emplacements. These vessels are like a fleet unto themselves.
Twelve squadrons of TIE class fighters (two wings) await within the huge confines of the massive ship. Other carried vessels
bring the total aboard the Super Star Destroyer to over 200 ships.
Even more weapons of destruction are within the Super Star Destroyer, including a full corps of stormtroopers and other soldiers,
25 AT-AT walkers, 50 AT-STs, and various other ground assault vehicles. In addition, the ship carries three pre-fabricated garrison bases
for immediate deployment.
The Super-Class Star Destroyer is the dream of the Emperor and the epitome of his new navy. It represents the best and newest vessel
available in the Imperial inventory. It is a command ship, a spacegoing headquarters from which to guide planetary invasions, space battles,
and the like.
Four of these massive vessels are now in service. The first, Executor, was presented to Lord Darth Vader by the Emperor
to serve as his personal flagship.
[The second prototype, the SSD Avenger, constructed secretly by Palpatine's engineers, was brought online shortly before the Battle of Endor
to serve the newly commissioned Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. The SSD Avenger was christened in honour of her infamous namesake,
the ISD Avenger, which served with the late Darth Vader's personal Star Destroyer Squadron. The SSD Avenger, after serving for approximately
one year as Flagship of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, now serves as the Flagship for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood