Star Wars: A New Dawn (by John Jackson Miller)


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Star Wars: A New Dawn
by John Jackson Miller


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Beinhaltet Hauptcharaktere der anstehenden TV-Serie, Star Wars: Rebels. Mit einem Vorwort von Dave Filoni, dem ausführenden Produzenzen von Star Wars: The Clone Wars und Star Wars: Rebels!

Die Bühne ist bereit für die anstehende Rebellion gegen das Imperium: Kanan ist ein überlebender Jedi der Order 66. Während er sich weigert, jemals wieder sein Lichtschwert zu ziehen, lebt er als freischaffender Pilot und hält den Ball flach, um jegliche imperiale Aufmerksamkeit zu vermeiden. Doch als die wunderschöne Hera Syndulla in sein Leben tritt und seine Freunde und sein Auskommen durch einen imperialen Komplott bedroht werden, steht er der größten Entscheidung seines Leben gegenüber: Versteckt bleiben...oder das Gefecht suchen und damit den Zorn des Imperiums riskieren.

Autor: John Jackson Miller* (mit Vorwort von Dave Filoni)
Cover-Artist: Doug Wheatley

Altersgruppe: Erwachsene
Preis: $28.00
Typ: Hardcover
Seiten: 256
ISBN-Nummer: 9780553392869

Erscheinungs-Termin (US): 2. September 2014
Erscheinungs-Termin (DE): Unbekannt

*Author and game designer JOHN JACKSON MILLER is the author of Star Wars: Kenobi, Star Wars: Knight Errant and the Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith eBook series, as well as the writer of ten Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic graphic novels. His comics work includes writing for Iron Man, Mass Effect, Bart Simpson, and Indiana Jones. He lives in Wisconsin with his wife, two children, and far too many comic books.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Nachdem ich Kenobi und Knight Errant wirklich geliebte habe und Rebels doch sehr intressant aussieht freu ich mich sogar irgendwie auf dieses Buch. :)
Werde definitiv ein Auge auf die ersten Werke des neuen EUs haben.
Ob ich sie dann aber lese wird sich erst Zeigen wie die ersten Feedbacks aussehen.

Zu blöd dass die deutsche Übersetzung wohl erst wieder ein weiteres Jahr auf sich
warten lässt. Würde den Roman schon gerne lesen bevor ich dann Rebels schaue. Naja.
Will ja nicht meckern, aber Hera nur mit dem Attribut "beautiful" zu behängen obwohl sie in den ersten Clips eher als cool, stark, intelligent oder gute Pilotin gezeigt wurde, finde ich schade. Nur weil sie ein weiblicher Charakter ist, muss man ihr aussehen nicht als kriterium in den Pressetext einfließen lasssen. Bei Kanan steht ja auch nichts davon dass er "handsome" sein soll. :verwirrt:

Trotzdem werde ich wohl reinlesen sobald das Paperback erscheint.;)
Hie eine Inhaltsangabe zu "A new Dawn".

Vor langer Zeit, in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxie...

"Der Krieg ist vorüber. Die Separatisten wurden besiegt und die Rebellion der Jedi wurde niedergeschlagen. Wir stehen an der Schwelle zu einem neuen Anfang." - Imperator Palpatine, Star Wars: Episode III: Die Rache der Sith.

Über hundert Generationen lang, haben die Jedi-Ritter der Galaktischen Republik Frieden und Ordnung gebracht - unterstützt durch ihre Verbindung zu dem mystischen Energiefeld, was als "Die Macht" bekannt ist. Aber sie wurden verraten - und die gesamte Galaxis bezahlte den Preis. Es ist das Zeitalter das Imperiums.

Nun hat Imperator Palpatine - ehemals Kanzler der Republik und insgeheim ein Sith, welcher der Dunklen Seite der Macht folgt - der Galaxis seinen eigenen Frieden und seine eigene Ordnung gebracht. Frieden durch brutale Unterdrückung und Ordnung durch eine Erweiterung der Kontrolle über die Leben seiner Untertanen.

Doch während der Imperator seinen eisernen Griff festigt, haben andere begonnen, seine Mittel und Motive zu hinterfragen. Und wieder andere, deren Leben durch Palpatines Machenschaften zerstört wurden, liegen verstreut in der Galaxis wie noch nicht explodierte Bomben, die auf ihre Detonation warten...

Als erster Star Wars-Roman, welcher in Zusammenarbeit mit der Story Group von Lucasfilm erschaffen wurde, liegt A New Dawn in der Zeit der legendären "Dark Times" zwischen den Episoden III und IV und erzählt die Geschichte darüber, wie sich die Wege zweier Hauptcharakter der animierten Serie Star Wars Rebels zuerst gekreuzt haben. Enthält ein Vorwort von Filoni.

Quelle: - Neue Inhaltsangabe zu A New Dawn - Nachrichten

Könnte wirklich interessant werden. Ich freue mich drauf, sowohl aufs Buch, als auch auf die Serie. Hera entwickelt sich gerade zu einem neuen Lieblingscharakter. Mein SWTOR-Schmuggler hat eine gravierende Ähnlichkeit zu ihr ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
STAR WARS: A NEW DAWN Writer's First Interview Reveals New Star Wars Status Quo |

Well, we still tried to make sure that everything interacted. I’ve always treated any license that I worked on, whether it be Star Wars, or Star Trek that I’m going to be working on now, or Mass Effect or even Conan… I’ve always tried to keep the footprint of what I’m working on limited. I treat licenses as though they’re national parks – I try not to leave any garbage in it that makes it difficult for someone who’s going to come in later (laughs). I don’t want to spoil it for them.

So for me it’s not that different. The thing is, the themes of the Star Wars books and comics that I’ve done. There’s a continuity just within those as far as I’m concerned. Star Wars: A New Dawn is about a Jedi student who is cut loose after Order 66 comes down. He has no master, he has no purpose, he doesn’t know what to do. Stories of Jedi being cut off from the order is what I’ve been writing for years: Knights of the Old Republic with Zayne in the graphic novels, Knight Errant with Kerra Holt in the comics and the novel. Even Lost Tribe of the Sith had a segment in it with a Jedi that had been cut loose. Then of course Kenobi, which was absolutely about the main Jedi who had been cut off from the order, in a way.

So A New Dawn fits in with that. I’ve always felt that was one of the more interesting areas that I would like to pursue. Even though, yes, there’s a distinction between what came before and what is going to exist now… the last line of Kenobi is the first line of A New Dawn. It’s something that I wanted to underline for readers; as far as I’m concerned, it’s all still Star Wars, it’s all still part of a piece.

I really think it’s a mistake for people to play the canon/not-canon parlor game. What they said when they made the announcement is that the previous material wasn’t being discarded, it would be drawn from – inspirations and ideas would come from it. The planets are the same; the species are the same. You know, the Rebels series uses the same manufacturer of the TIE fighters that was introduced in the Role Playing Games years ago. My book revolves around a strategic compound that I introduced back in KOTOR years ago! The universe is the same.

Random House hat das Vorwort von A New Dawn,das von Dave Filoni geschrieben wurde geposted.

Star Wars is an incredibly creative galaxy, where storytellers have sent Jedi on countless missions, explored numerous planets, and discovered hidden treasures since 1977. I grew up with the original trilogy, and as the years passed by I read the books and comics, I played the games, I saw the re-releases, and I could not believe it when one day I sat in a theater and the screen said EPISODE I. It was a day I had waited for, for a long, long time. I went to all the prequels on opening night, stood in lines like we all did, went to the “Midnight Madness” toy releases. I really enjoyed the community that had grown up around the Star Wars universe.

Little did I know that before the final prequel film was released, I would move to Northern California and begin work on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, right alongside “the Maker” George Lucas. I felt like I had won some Star Wars lottery, but I also felt a tremendous responsibility to all the people I knew who loved Star Wars: to make sure that I “got it right.” As my own personal Jedi training began, I always had George there to answer the deeper questions, to make certain that we got it right, that we truly made Star Wars the way he wanted it. He used to joke with my crew and me, telling us that he had been teaching us the ways of the Force so that one day when he retired Star Wars could keep on going without him. I’m not sure we ever believed him, until it happened.

So how do we move forward? And how do we make sure we get it right?

Very simply, we trust in the Force, and we trust one another. We came together as a group and found the best talent: people who, like you and me, love Star Wars and want to make it great. Who want to capture the feeling that it gave all of us, that inspired all of us. More than at any other time in its existence, new Star Wars stories are being told every day. More important, the old concept of what is canon and what isn’t is gone, and from this point forward our stories and characters all exist in the same universe; the key creatives who work on the films, tele- vision, comic books, video games, and novels are all connected creatively for the first time in the history of the Star Wars universe. Little did I know that before the final prequel film was released, I would move to Northern California and begin work on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, right alongside “the Maker” George Lucas. I felt like I had won some Star Wars lottery, but I also felt a tremendous responsibility to all the people I knew who loved Star Wars: to make sure that I “got it right.” As my own personal Jedi training began, I always had George there to answer the deeper questions, to make certain that we got it right, that we truly made Star Wars the way he wanted it. He used to joke with my crew and me, telling us that he had been teaching us the ways of the Force so that one day when he retired Star Wars could keep on going without him. I’m not sure we ever believed him, until it happened.

So how do we move forward? And how do we make sure we get it right?

Very simply, we trust in the Force, and we trust one another. We came together as a group and found the best talent: people who, like you and me, love Star Wars and want to make it great. Who want to capture the feeling that it gave all of us, that inspired all of us. More than at any other time in its existence, new Star Wars stories are being told every day. More important, the old concept of what is canon and what isn’t is gone, and from this point forward our stories and characters all exist in the same universe; the key creatives who work on the films, tele- vision, comic books, video games, and novels are all connected creatively for the first time in the history of the Star Wars universe.

A New Dawn is a result of this method of story collaboration here at Lucasfilm. As executive producers of Star Wars Rebels, Greg Weisman, Simon Kinberg, and I had input on the story and characters, working with author John Jackson Miller. I even got to make comments on the look of Kanan and Hera for the cover—maybe a small detail to some, but it was exciting to be a part of that process, and to know the charac- ters would remain true to their intended design. I really hope you enjoy this story, and that it enriches your experience and knowledge of the characters in Star Wars Rebels. There are still countless worlds to visit, countless aliens to meet, and with the incredible talent we have coming to work at Lucasfilm the way forward looks clear.

Last I must thank you. Whether this is your first Star Wars adventure, or one of many over the years: Thank you. Thank you for your dedication to and passion for the Star Wars galaxy. Because of fans like you around the world, the Force will be with us, always.

Dave Filoni
Executive Producer and
Supervising Director, Star Wars Rebels - Random House postet das Vorwort zu A New Dawn - Nachrichten
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Meins wurde heute auch verschickt... mal schauen, ob ich nach langer Zeit auch mal wieder ein SW Buch lese, aber diese Geschichte interessiert mich jetzt schon etwas.
Mich würde vorallem interessieren, an welche Leserschaft sich dieses Buch richtet.:confused:
"Rebels" scheint sich ja eher an jüngere Zuschauer zu richten. Und wenn das Buch in Zusammenhang mit der Serie steht, demnach auch das Buch. Oder liege ich das falsch?
Vom ersten Werk der neuen Kontinuität habe ich mehr erwartet. Die "alten" EU-Hasen freuen sich doch auch auf neues Lesefutter.:verwirrt::konfus: Und ja, ich habe den Hinweis zur Altersgruppe wohl bemerkt, aber so ganz glauben kann ich es ja nicht!^^