Ich wollte das nicht in den Neuveröffentlichungsthread schreiben, dafür sind die Infos teils einfach zu spezifisch.
Wegen der sehr unterschiedlichen Spoilergrade, und teilweise sind's überhaupt keine, ist dies kein Spoilerthread. Spoilertags, wenn gefordert, also bitte immer setzen, und genau klarmachen, worauf sich ein Spoiler bezieht.
Fangen wir hiermit an:
'Betrayal'-Spoiler (wie man auf eine bestimmte Person kam, die dort wieder auftaucht):
Jaina/Jag (leichte Hinweise):
Die Großen Drei (Achtung!):
(Quellen; Spoiler dort nicht versteckt)
Infos, die sich mehr auf einzelne Bücher beziehen, wurden in den Threads zu 'Bloodlines', 'Tempest' und 'A Practical Man' gepostet.
Wegen der sehr unterschiedlichen Spoilergrade, und teilweise sind's überhaupt keine, ist dies kein Spoilerthread. Spoilertags, wenn gefordert, also bitte immer setzen, und genau klarmachen, worauf sich ein Spoiler bezieht.
Fangen wir hiermit an:
Nach der möglichen Shakespeare-Inspiration nun Dante ?The panel began with an announcement of the title of the sixth book of the series. Although toying that it had been officially called "That Book," Troy Denning disclosed that he was in the process of writing the outline for -- wait for it -- Inferno. With this addition, the current Legacy of the Force roster looks like this:
Book 1: Betrayal by Aaron Allston (hardcover, out now)
Book 2: Bloodlines by Karen Traviss (paperback, Sep 06)
Book 3: Tempest by Troy Denning (paperback, Dec 06)
Book 4: Exile by Aaron Allston (paperback, March 07)
Book 5: Sacrifice by Karen Traviss (hardcover, June 07)
Book 6: Inferno by Troy Denning (paperback, Sep 07)
Book 7 by Aaron Allston (paperback, Nov 07)
Book 8 by Karen Traviss (paperback, Mar 08
Book 9 by Troy Denning (hardcover, Jun 08)
Nö, is klar...Concerning the consistency of characterization versus the individual styles of authors, Allston noted, "You have to remember that real life people aren't 100% consistent. You're not exactly the same person today as you were yesterday. We don't have to write the character identically in order to be consistent. For instance, in Bloodlines, Karen has a much better ear for Leia at her snarkiest than I do. You will read Karen's Leia and it will be Leia at her most cutting."
"Remember that what an author does is watch what the characters are doing," explained Traviss. "If you talk to people about somebody that you both know, you'll have very different views about the same person. What you see is the different shades of the character there."
Das wusste ich schon, aber jetzt haben wir's schriftlich.With Jacen featured boldly on the cover of Betrayal and Tenel Ka on the cover of Tempest, the series is blazing new ground in cover art, shying away from the tried and true trio of classic heroes from the original films. "We discussed it, Sue and I and the art director, and we decided it was time," said Shapiro. "These characters are getting more recognizable, and we didn't want all the books to look alike by putting the same three characters on the novels. We're going for a different look and so we're featuring different characters."
Rostoni did reveal that the classic heroes will appear in the covers of the Legacy of the Force series eventually. "The first three books in the series have single characters, while the second set of three have two characters on each, and the last three goes back to one character each," she said.
'Betrayal'-Spoiler (wie man auf eine bestimmte Person kam, die dort wieder auftaucht):
When asked howLumiya, a relatively forgotten character from the expanded universe of the mid-1980s, was chosen to be the catalyst for Jacen's transformation, Allston revealed that it was not set that way from the beginning. "When we actually started planning out the series, we hadn't settled on who the character influencing Jacen would be. When we were writing some of the earliest outlines, we described the character as 'the wizard,' without a specific name. We had some various ideas as to who it might be. Later on, we decided it was Lumiya because she fit in a variety of reasons. One of the reasons was that she was beloved by the readers of the Marvel series who have had to ask for years, decades, whatever happened to her?"
"We know it's a huge galaxy, so we don't want to make it too small by recycling characters," said Rostoni. "But on the other hand, if we have a role that needs to be filled and we have a character out there that fits it, we like to bring that in so that those people who are familiar with the character get that jolt of recognition, and those that aren't are introduced to them."
Jaina/Jag (leichte Hinweise):
x wingurly says:
"i was able to talk to denning afterward (ahhhhh it was awesome!!!) and he saidjag WILL BE APPEARING SOON. but he promised me to silence on what book he would appear in
Ui, talentiert wie von einem X-Wing-Pilot wird dieser Spoiler umschifft (umflogen?). Das hat sie fein gemacht, die Frau Lektorin. Da war ihr Talent dann aber schon aufgebraucht:Shea, a fan dressed as Jaina Solo was eager to hear of Jaina's role in the future, and whether or not Jag Fel would figure into her life. "Can you give any of Jaina-Jag fans hope?" she asked.
"The problem with defining Jaina's role in the series is that Jaina's role is evolving, so she is going to be doing a lot of different stuff," said Allston. "You'll see a lot of Jaina."
Though the question of Jag was deftly evaded with the skill of an X-wing pilot, Rostoni did add with a smile, "Don't give up hope."
Die Großen Drei (Achtung!):
Anders ausgedrückt:Sue Rostoni assuaged any fears that the Legacy of the Force series would be the last hurrah for the original trilogy heroes. "I don't think we've enough," she said, "and I don't think Lucasfilm is planning on ending things." She added that there are no definite plans, only because LucasBooks tends to handle storylines on a contract-by-contract basis, and until the next publishing contract is solidified, the content of future book projects have yet to be nailed down.
Damit ist klar, dass Luke, Han und Leia, und vielleicht auch Wedge, überleben werden. Mal davon abgesehen, dass ich das bescheuert finde... Ist die noch ganz sauber? Das jetzt schon zu verraten? Ich bin so sauer ...
(Quellen; Spoiler dort nicht versteckt)
Infos, die sich mehr auf einzelne Bücher beziehen, wurden in den Threads zu 'Bloodlines', 'Tempest' und 'A Practical Man' gepostet.