Verstorbene Schauspieler/Crewmitglieder?

Andrew Jack (76) ist ebenfalls am Virus gestorben.

Er hat u.a. den Major (später: General) Caluan Ematt in Star Wars VII und VIII gespielt.

Ruhe in Frieden.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Charles Lippincott, "advertising publicity supervisor" von ANH ist verstorben, wie seine Frau heute mitgeteilt hat.

I’ve been having a difficult time so it’s been hard for me to be coherent.

Charley has been in the ICU on a ventilator since Thurs night. After 48hrs, they tried removing the ventilator to see if Charley could breathe on his own. He could not. That was when I hoped for an Act of God, for the Force to flow through him, healing him and making him one with the Universe.

Charley had some kind of Covid-19 premonition that if he went to the hospital, he would probably die. At first, it frightened him, but then he became reconciled because he felt he had lived a full and rich life. Charley thought he had been blessed. He lived a good life, a full life, and was luckier than most. Oh, he wanted to continue living — there were things he still wanted to do — but he realized many of his peers were dying, and if the end came, it would be alright because he had had a full, rich life.

Earlier that Thurs — probably because the bacteria had been building, and seniors get disoriented when they have infections — Charley was happy because he thought we were waiting to go backstage at a concert. I couldn’t figure out who was playing, but he was happy because it was somebody he liked. I went to the cafeteria to get a snack, and when I got back, his eyes were closed and he was ready to sleep so I read him some fb posts. He got really angry over Ahmed’s murder and the persecution of blacks. That was my last conversation with him. Him being angry over how backwards our country still was. After that brief perk, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

I left, then a couple of hours later, he had a heart attack, and the rest is history.

Today, my update for you is Charley’s EEG has come back flat. This means he no longer has brain activity.

I want to think his spirit has joined the 90,000 plus who have left this planet, who have entered the cosmos like Asimov’s stream of light. I think Charley would have liked that. The company of many, leaving behind their earthly bodies. He wanted to go beyond, and has done that. There are many Covid-19 deaths, and each death was a Charley to the people who loved them.

With that thought, I thank you, Bumpy

Er war ein Netter Kerl und hatte viel zu erzählen. Nachdem er LFL nach ANH verlassen hatte, arbeitete er vor allem auch an Judge Dredd und Alien. Er hatte z.B. auch die zwei Press-Kits zu ANH, die wir damals auf der NFC4 versteigern konnten, gestiftet. Seit dem hatte ich auch immer mal wieder losen Kontakt zu ihm. Schade, dass er gehen musste, aber so wie es sich liest, war er mit sich und der Welt im einklang. R.I.P.
Der Elektrotechniker und Moderator Grant Imahara, der den meisten wohl als einer der Experimentierer aus der Show Mythbusters bekannt sein dürfte, aber auch als Modellbauer und Animatronik-Spezialist an den Prequels mitwirkte, ist gestern im Alter von 49 Jahren verstorben.

Jeremy Bulloch ist heute morgen im Alter von 75 Jahren verstorben. Mit ihm geht ein weiterer Fanliebling verloren... ich habe ihn mehrmals getroffen, leider dabei auch beobachten können wie seine Gesundheit schwindet. Aber bis zuletzt bemüht und fanfreundlich wie kaum ein anderer.

Dave Prowse und Jeremy innerhalb weniger Wochen... was für ein Jahr.


RIP Jeremy
Man hatte mir gestern die Meldung per Messanger geschickt. Ich dachte, es handelte sich um einen scheiß Spoiler aus einer laufenden Serie. Die Auflösung des Missverständnisses war sogar noch bitterer, als ich erfuhr, dass es um den Schauspieler ging. RIP