Allegiance-class Star Destroyer

2.2 km

Kuat Drive Yards

Escorting the Eclipse at Cyax, year +6 after Palpatine's fall.

These destroyers are ubiquitous in situations involving a heavy fleet presence. They operated in an escort formation with the Eclipse, and participated in the enforcement of the security cordon around the planet Byss. Allegiance, the largest destroyer present at the Battle of Calamari, shares all of the distinctive structural features of this class and is the same size, approximately 2.2km long. For this reason, I provisionally refer to all of these ships as the Allegiance-class star destroyer. (I will replace this label whenever the official KDY classification becomes known.)

The warship is similar in form to the common Imperator-class star destroyer, but with several subtle but crucial distinctions. The stern, thrusters and command module are almost identical to those of the smaller vessel, but the main hull is significantly longer and more sharply pointed. The features surrounding the command tower are smoother than the terraced forms on the dorsal surface of an Imperator, with greater coverage by the flat armour plates and less exposure of inter-plate cortical surfaces. The ventral bulb of this ship is approximately ten times the volume of that on the Imperator. (According to the common assumption that the bulb surrounds part of the power or propulsion systems of a ship, the Allegiance design probably has much superior thrust, firepower and shieldpower.)

Unlike the smaller destroyers, there is a complete lack of any docking bay suitable for accommodating large starships. Any TIE or shuttle hangars must be small and open directly to space. This implies an important functional distinction: the destroyer's design is oriented away from the carrier or mothership role. This seems to be a compromise for reducing points of vulnerability and installing more extensive hull plating. The Allegiance design assumes and is dedicated to large fleet engagements, operating in concert with complimentary warship designs. For starfighter screening in combat, it must depend on the squadrons launched from other vessels such as the huge dedicated carrier ship seen in the fleet of Admiral Giel. In contrast, the Imperator is necessarily less specialised since it is often deployed on patrol in remote regions where it sometimes is the largest ship available.



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Ich frage mich nur woher diese Infos stammen, da ich bis jetzt keine offizielle Quelle gesehen habe, in der etwas über diese Schiffe drin steht.

Ich nehme mal an, dieser Text ist aus den Technical Commentaries von TF.N, oder? (sieht man ja eigentlich schon daran, daß die normalen Sternzerstörer notorisch als Imperator-Class bezeichnet werden). Stehen da Quellen dabei?

Die Allegiance war das imperiale Flaggschiff in der Schlacht um Mon Calamari aus dem Comic "Das dunkle Imperium". Informationen zu diesem Schiffs-Typ gibt es vielleicht noch im DE-Sourcebook.

Ansonsten gibt es in der offiziellen Literatur so gut wie keine Referenzen zu diesem Schiffs-Typ oder anderen größeren imperialen Schiffen aus "Das dunkle Imperium" oder den Marvel-Comics, obwohl das ziemlich beschränkt ist.

Da der offizielle Name dieser Schiffs-Klasse bis jetzt unbekannt ist, ist es nach dem ersten beobachteten Schiff benannt.

Die Längenangabe von 2.2 Kilometern basiert auf dem Standard-Kommando-Turm eines großen KDY-Schiffes, wie z.B. die Türme von ISDs oder Darth Vaders Supersternzerstörer.

Interessanterweise wird dieses Schiff im Comic als Supersternzerstörer bezeichnet.

Schreibe deine Antwort....