Der humorvolle Star Wars Thread


Wie es im Kanon ist weiß ich nicht. Aber in den Legends hat der Darth Plagueis-Roman eine Andeutung in diese Richtung gemacht.
Ich dachte, das sei in den Legends sogar bestätigt worden.
Ich dachte, das sei in den Legends sogar bestätigt worden.
Der Artikel zu Anakin auf Wookieepedia fasst es wie folgt zusammen:
Around 42 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis and his Sith apprentice Darth Sidious were able to shift the Force and tip it towards the dark side after months of intense meditation. Plagueis sought to manipulate the midi-chlorians—microscopic lifeforms which lived symbiotically within all living things and allowed those with sufficient numbers of midi-chlorians to touch the Force—and use them to gain power over life and death. He was able to resurrect the Bith Darth Venamis (whom he had been using as a test subject for years) using only the power of the Force. Using his newfound power to heal his own body, Plagueis decided to take his powers further and reached out to the midi-chlorians across the galaxy in order to gain dominance over them, but the Force resisted his efforts and refused. In response, the midi-chlorians acted of their own accord and conceiveda child within the Human slave Shmi Skywalker.[28]
Und damit es hier nicht ganz off-topic wird: