hier wieder mal ein paar Statements von Kojima zu MGS4:
Hier die Quelle (leider alles auf Spanisch):
Ich find's cool, dass ich mit dem genetischen Defekt tatsächlich richtig lag!
Und dass MGS4 10 Jahre nach MGS2 spielt hatte ich auch im Gefühl.
Also Leute, hier die große Neuigkeit:
Snake altert, weil er krank ist, und Guns of the Patriots spielt im Jahr 2019!!
...zumindest ein Teil davon, am Ende kommt eh wieder alles anders.
...The DNA of Snake is sick, but will not die in MGS4...
...we ask if its premature old age obeys to some type of illness. "Snake is a clone, and because of it its DNA deteriorates and ages a lot more fast than the remainder of humans. Besides, I have wanted to show the effects caused by the battle and the wear caused by an existence elapsed in the country of battle". Although the precise hero of medicación to maintain its integrity, as was seen in the trailer al to be injected a medicación, Snake will not die in this fourth chapter of the saga...
...On the other hand, Raiden, a personage with the one that the European public has not empathized too much, will be able to be appreciated since a different perspective. "Many times we judge to the people before knowing it completely. The personality of Raiden will be watchful completely in MGS4, a lot more I mature, more tanned, and many that criticized him for their decisions or immaturity in MGS2 they will have to be withdrawn and to empathize with the personage...
...The setting of MGS4 itself transfer 10 years in the future since the events of Sons of Liberty, and the famous one "tackle Not to Hide" obeys to that the environment is a field of urban battle and devastated. "In previous titles we have been obliged to reflect with coherence the weapons of the epoch, but in MGS4 al to be set in the future, we are going to be able to utilize more our imagination to design new weapons". With respect to these, in the interview was confirmed that there will be more than 200 of new weapons assembly possibilities, since as was seen in the trailer, Snake will be able to mount and to dismantle weapons to its craving to create other new...
Hier die Quelle (leider alles auf Spanisch):
Ich find's cool, dass ich mit dem genetischen Defekt tatsächlich richtig lag!

Und dass MGS4 10 Jahre nach MGS2 spielt hatte ich auch im Gefühl.
Also Leute, hier die große Neuigkeit:
Snake altert, weil er krank ist, und Guns of the Patriots spielt im Jahr 2019!!
...zumindest ein Teil davon, am Ende kommt eh wieder alles anders.