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AOTC EDITORIAL: Yoda Teaches Luke
by Sapno Krei
LUKE - "ATTACK OF THE CLONES"?!?! Oh, the title has just ruined it all. STAR WARS fans will be ridiculed forever.
YODA - So certain are you? Always with you STAR WARS is ruined.
LUKE - Master Yoda, "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" and "RETURN OF THe JEDI" are one thing, but this "ATTACK OF THE CLONES" is *totally* different!
YODA - No. No different! Only different in your mind! You must unlearn what you have learned!
LUKE - All right, I'll try standing in line and buying a ticket.
YODA - No. Do, or do not, there is no try.
[An hour passes.]
LUKE - I can't. People are making fun of me as they're driving by. The title sucks.
YODA - Title matters not. Look at THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. Judge it by its title do you? And where you should not. For its ally is the story. Complex things are movies, not this superficial matter.
[Luke stands up.]
LUKE - You like anything George Lucas does.
[Luke walks away, disgusted. Yoda stands in line and buys Luke's ticket for him. Hours later, they both emerge from the movie theater, awestruck.]
LUKE - ATTACK OF THE CLONES rocked! I don't believe it.
YODA - That is why you fail.