Hilf, SW-CON 2002

Hi Thomas,

well, my ability to write in englisch is not the very best (understanding english texts or movies is no problem for me), but I will try to answer to your problem.
I'm not connected with the SW-Con last year in any way, but I'm one of the Mod's in this mesasge board (I'm one of the three people responsible for the "Expanded Universe" forum).
We had a lot of problems with the organisator of the SW-Con, "EVENTMASTER". He made promises (guest stars, Ray Park's stunt show, special events during the con) that didn't came true during this convention. After the con, he was criticized in many posts by other people, who had visited his con.
Well, Eventmaster was not impressed, he behaved like a little misunderstanded kid. After a few weeks, he startet to delete posts, when they included critics against Eventmaster or against his con.
Well, a month ago the Admins of this message board decided, it is enough, and changed his exclusiv SW-Con forum to a general convention forum. There was elected a new moderator for this new convention forum, and Eventmaster only kept his rights as a Mod in his little SW-Con 2003 sub-forum (jes, this idiot will make a new con this year as well, hope noone will visit it).
We thought, now all problems are over with this *****. Well, we see, we were wrong. Not only, that he didn't kept his promises with the SW-Con 2002, not only that he exceeded his rights as a Mod of this message board, we now learn from you that the prize in the costume contest was a fake.
Yes, I can confirm, that the first prize was announced as a trip to London.
But this is only the last promise, Eventmaster didn't keep. The consequence to deleting your post is, that Eventmaster has lost his rights in this message board completely at last.
I think, your chances are very low, that the organisators of the SW-Con 2002 will give you your money back.
A lot of other people had problems with this man and his Con, a lot of other people tried to get back their money, but your case is by far the worst. The winner of the contest doesn't get his prize, that is really unbelievable. But, we had to learn, with "Eventmaster" nothing is impossible... in the negative way.

I can only hope, that you remember the european fans in a positive way, and maybe you come to the "Jedi Con 2004", which will be made next year by the Official Star Wars Fan Club (Germany), licensed by Lucasfilm. There all this problems with (in my oppinion) criminal organisators will not happen.

Maybe other members of this forum have some tips for you, how to act against the organisators of the SW-Con 2002 by law, but I'm not able to say more regarding this.

Again, I think you are really a cool guy, and your costume of Palpatines Clone is really special and wonderful,
maybe we meet each other at Jedi Con,

Hi Thomas,

it's good to see you again.

And I think, as far your award is concerned, that you might be able to get it on the SW-Con 2001 which is, as far as I know, already being planned. That's probably why our dear Eventmaster is too busy to answer you straight away. But let's not pust the sarcasm too far, it looks like quite a lot of things didn't work the way they should.

As your costume's quite impressive and the jury's decision was beyond doubt, I hope that there will be some kind of reward or acknowledgement for you, but knowing this convention's crew... wishing you good luck would sound like sarcasm again but I think you know how I mean it.

As Polonious said, hope to see you again at the next (official) JediCon.

I think I can imagine pretty well why the great EVENTMASTER (please note the irony) doesn't want to award this prize to Clone Emperor...
Let's have a look at some facts here, shall we?

First, a flight from Germany to London isn't really expensive these days. Take an inexpensive airline (like Ryan Air, for instance) and you're up and away for usually less than 30 Euro (~ 30 US$).

Secondly, if you organize a Star Wars convention in Hamburg, Germany, what kind of audience would you expect? Right: Mainly German or European. Looks like chances are good that a German guest will win the costume contest, doesn't it?

And now there's this guy from the United States with his awesome Clone Emperor outfit - and guess what: He wins first place! Maybe I'm mistaken, but I guess a flight from Chicago to London costs a wee bit more than a flight from Germany to London. Again, correct me if I'm wrong - but I don't suppose everyone's favorite EVENTMASTER ever expected to see an American on the winner's rostrum. If I was cynical, I'd call that tough luck - but wait, I am cynical! Oh well...

@Clone Emperor: The whole thing's a shame - the more so if this was your first visit to a Star Wars convention in Europe. I wish you all the luck you'll need with the impending lawsuit, and I also hope to see you at the next Jedi Con! If you're not already too frustrated, that is. :-/
hast du überhaupt nicht schriefliches das du diese Reise gewonnen hast??
Zeugen gibst aber auch genung
Beating a dead horse

[color=3399CC]Grüße zu jeder,
Zuerst möchte ich jeder für Sie danken Hilfe und Verstehen in dieser Angelegenheit. Since my last entry I have gotten a couple of e-mails asking if this matter has been resolved.

Since the convention, I have not heard from the organizers of the 2002 SW-Con, (with the notable exception of the PM from the EVENTMASTER threatening me not to post this problem here again.) From what I have read here, I do NOT expect hear from the organizers again. I find the organizers' behavior impolite and unprofessional, but I am not going to waste more tyme trying to elicit a response from them.

One of the readers of this post has invited me to Darkside con. I am not sure if I can go, but if I do I will be counting on one of those 30 Euro air bus fares to shuttle me from Hamburg to Dortmund -Wickede.

Here's a glimpse of my current costume in progress;
Project X

That Rascal!

[color=3399CC]I would just assume to let this go. But then I checked in on Eventmaster's new forum, where this issue, (the failure to deliver the grand prize at the SW-CON 2002,) came-up. Once again, the issue appears to be misconstrued by the Eventmaster;[/color]
[color=66CCFF]"Ist ganz einfach. Er hat bei einem Wettbewerb eine Reise nach London gewonnen. Ausgangspunkt hierfür war Deutschland. Er wollte aber die Reise startend ab USA."[/color]
I never asked for a flight from the USA to England. I realized the prize was intended as a flight from Germany to London. I explained this to the organizers at the convention after I won. I also wrote as much in this e-mail two weeks after the convention;[/color][color=66CCFF]

"19th of December, 2002
Hallo Thomas,

I was hoping to have heard something by now about the prizes awarded to the winners in SW CON 2002 Costume Contest. Being that the grand prize of a flight to London was imagined to be awarded to a winner from the EU, I purpose instead the cash value of the prize be given.

I would have loved a signed certificate, possibly with that little x-wing logo on the top and space for the three judges to sign. Do you suppose you could send such a certificate with the prize? I would really appreciate it.

Thank you,"

Now it is the 13th of May, 2003.
I really don't care about the prize anymore. I do not believe Eventmaster or the SW-Con organizers intend to live up to the award as advertized.

But I do not like to be misrepresented. I do not deserve this.
Seems like he's getting some problems in that message board, too. Other people are criticizing his obviously well performed and organized :rolleyes: :rolleyes: conventions also..... ;)

@Clone Emperor
Just forgett that probably jackass and remember the nice time you hopefully had in Germany anyway. :)