Mad Blacklord
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Samuel L. Jackson glaubt wohl das Mace noch leben könnte. So sagt er es jedenfalls in einem kurzem Video-Tweet nach Anfragen von IMDB
Samuel L. Jackson and George Lucas Think Mace Windu Is Still Alive, But Does It Matter? schrieb:Jackson believing Windu is alive is one thing, but this was apparently an idea Jackson also ran by George Lucas, who was just fine with Windu still being alive. The actor explained, “George is like, ‘I’m okay with that. You can be alive.” But he also pointed out what we’re all already thinking, “George doesn’t have anything to do with it anymore.”
That’s right. Even if Jackson and Lucas had determined that Windu survived after we last saw him in Revenge of the Sith, there’s nothing that happened in the canon of the Star Wars universe (before everything that belonged to Lucasfilm was handed over to Disney) that indicated he may have survived. Now Disney and Lucasfilm have their own unifying canon that makes sure everything produced with ties to Star Wars lines up with the rest of the entire galaxy, and that likely doesn’t include Mace Windu being alive.
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