Abgesandter von www.starwars-books.de.vu und Episo
Sommer 2012 wird ein Sammelband mit 9 Kurzgeschichten erscheinen, von denen 8 vorab als kostenlose eBooks veröffentlicht werden -eine Kurzgeschichte wird exklusiv in dem gedruckten Buch enthalten sein (einen Kaufanreiz muß es ja noch geben) -, die zusammen den Werdegang eines Verlorenen Stammes der Sith schildern.
Das erste eBook gibt es nun auf sw.com zum Download, welches die Vorgeschichte zur Fate of the Jedi Reihe erzählt und eine Leseprobe aus Omen bietet.

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Das erste eBook gibt es nun auf sw.com zum Download, welches die Vorgeschichte zur Fate of the Jedi Reihe erzählt und eine Leseprobe aus Omen bietet.

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Download The Lost Tribe of the Sith
Hidden away from the rest of the galaxy is an isolated tribe of Sith descendents from ancient times. As Luke Skywalker follows the distant path of Jacen Solo -- blazed when Solo sought out obscure and arcane Force knowledge -- his travels stir these Sith into action. Who are they? What do they want?
Readers of the Fate of the Jedi series will soon find out much more about these Sith castaways, particularly in the pages of the second book in the nine-book series, Omen, by Christie Golden. That book does not arrive in hardcover until June 23, but Del Rey Books is making available free novellas that explore the history of these Sith.
The Lost Tribe of the Sith series is written by fan-favorite John Jackson Miller (the scribe behind the popular Knights of the Old Republic comics series from Dark Horse Comics). The first installment -- available now at StarWars.com -- is Precipice. The short story also includes an exclusive excerpt of Omen. Here's a description of the tale:
For the ruthless Sith Order, failure is not an option. It is an offense punishable by death -- and a fate to which Commander Yaru Korsin will not succumb. But on a crucial run to deliver troops and precious crystals to a combat hotspot in the Sith's war against the Republic, Korsin and the crew of the mining ship Omen are ambushed by a Jedi starfighter. And when the Sith craft crash-lands, torn and crippled, on a desolate alien planet, the hard-bitten captain finds himself at odds with desperate survivors on the brink of mutiny -- and his own vengeful half brother, who's bent on seizing command.
No matter the cost, Korsin vows that it will not be his blood and bones left behind on this unknown world. For the way of the Sith leaves little room for compromise -- and none for mercy.
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