Mace Windu Dialog



MACE WINDU: "Today may be the last day in the life of the Republic... For a hundred thousand years the Repbulic has stood! The Republic have become a light in the darkness!

He seems to look at each Jedi Knight as he speaks.

MACE WINDU: "For a hundred thousand years this one heart of humankind has been defended by the Jedi Knights. Now, it has come down to us! It has come down to this one day...

He leans forward on the rail, a gesture that seems to bring him closer to the men.

MACE WINDU: "Three years we've lived together, you and I, in a state of total war. We have bitterly watched the deaths of beloved friends. We are not alone. The Force is always our fellow. The link between us and the Republic is a solid chain of unbroken purpose! For a hundred thousand years the Senate has stood one with the Jedi Order in dignity and resolve! But on this day I ask you to put those hundred centuries down. How quickly all things sordid and perishable in the universe disappear. Yet throughout time the remembrance of great deeds grows only fresher bringing life again to those who dare perform them...(pause) Will you give it to me?

The Jedi Knights HOWL their support. Mace pulls his lightsaber and half turns aiming it behind him.

MACE WINDU: "There is the enemy of the Republic!"
@IO: Raus mit der Sprache. ;) Woher hast Du das? Eigene Idee, geheime Quellen? Wir sind gespannt. Vor allem, weil Du es im Spoilerbereich gepostet hast.... :)
Original geschrieben von Master Kenobi
Eben... als ob es in SW so lange Dialoge geben würde. :D ;)

Verdammt :D Hast recht.
Hätte ich doch nur besser aufgepasst :p

April April Leute :p

BTW: Für unsere japanischen und australischen Leute war um diese Uhrzeit schon der 1. April :cool:

EDIT: Und wenn wir schon bei Aprilscherzen sind:

Ich hoffe dies ist einer :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Original geschrieben von IO
The Jedi Knights HOWL their support. Mace pulls his lightsaber and half turns aiming it behind him.

MACE WINDU: "There is the enemy of the Republic!"

Heil, Maceus Aurelius! :D

Bin glatt drauf reingefallen. Aber es hat mich schon stutzig gemacht, gerade <i>weil</i> mir dieser Dialog so gut gefallen hat. Aber Google hat mich dann aufgeklärt...
sowas blödes...der Dialog war echt mal nicht schlecht (verglichen mit Dialogen aus den anderen PT Teilen)...
und dann war's bloß ein Aprilscherz... :mad: