So, die Namen der Charaktere, Gebäude und Fahrzeuge, die in den Cartoons vorkamen:
Masters of the Universe
Adam, He-Man, Cringer, Battle Cat, Man-At-Arms (Duncan), Ram Man, Stratos, Teela, Mekaneck, Fisto, Orko, King Randor, Queen Marlena, Sorceress, Sy-Clone, Moss Man, Zoar, Man-E-Faces, Eternis, Castle Grayskull, Wind Raider, Battle Ram, Attack Track.
Skeletor, Beast Man, Evil-Lyn, MerMan, Trap Jaw, Tri-Klops, Clawfull, Whiplash, Strongarm, Fang Man, Faker, Webstor, Kobra Khan, Snake Mountain, Battle Buster, Roton, Land Shark.
Princess of Power
Adora, She-Ra, Princess of Power, Angella, Glimmer, Bow, Kowl, Castaspella, Flutterina, Mermista, Peek-A-Blue, Perfuma, Frosta, Madame Razz, Broom, Spirit, Swift Wind, Arrow, Spinnerella, Netossa, Light Hope, Sea Hawk, Whispering Woods, Crystal Castle, Brightmoon, Mystacor, Castle Chill, Crystal Falls.
Hordak, Catra, Shadow Weaver, Scorpia, Mantenna, Grizzlor, Leech, Imp, Octavia, Rattlor, Thung Lashor, Vultak, Hordes Prime, Fright Zone, Horrow Hall.
Liebe Grüße, Casta