junger Botschafter
erste angebliche Reviews sehr überschwenglich
No 1, von ?Neill Cumpston?
Sehr konfuses Review, angeblich das erste RELOADED-Review überhaupt.
Tenor: Überragende visuelle Wertigkeiten, beeindruckende Happenings von Anfang bis Ende.
Zitat: ?MY HINT: Stay through the credits and you get to see a trailer for MATRIX: YOU WILL SHIT, the third movie.
That?s it. Best movie of the year. I still want to see HULK-MAN and the werewolf thing and I think there?s something where you get to see a hot Asian?s boobs, but they?re not going to get close to this one. Here?s my blurb if they?re putting blurbs in ads:
?MATRIX: KINGDOM OF ASS-KICKING is like if all of Anthrax?s albums formed into a hot chick who had to fuck you ten times a day or she gets pee-cancer.?
No 2, von Ronald ?Ron? Epstein
Ein ?let-down?; lesenswert
Tenor: MATRIX II enttäusche mit einer Story, die sich hinter den visuellen Auswüchsen, Ausnahmezuständen und Extravaganzen zu sehr zurücknehme. Dahinter scheint durch: Das Kultpotenzial, das M1 gerade seiner metaphysisch grundierten Geschichte verdankt, sei hier minimiert...
Zitat: "The story is no longer thought-provoking. You no longer care for its characters and the thus, the film no longer reaches out to your emotions. The film just seems to drag on for the entire first hour, looking more like a Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome entry than a sci-fi flick, with long stretches of dialogue that seem to go on forever."
No 3, von Captain Morgan
Ein vergleichsweise sachliches, nicht überschwänglich hysterisches und hypegenährtes Review.
Tenor: Großes Sommer-Actionsspektakel.
Zitat: ?In a nutshell, THE MATRIX RELOADED delivers on pretty much every level. Everything you could want in an ass-kicking summer juggernaut is on display. [?]
It really is a thing of beauty to witness the aesthetic evolution of the Wachowski brothers. With RELOADED, they've turned badass cinema into an art form.?
No 4, von Rufus T. Firefly
Ein sehr unsachliches, undifferenziertes Fanboy-Review, dem scheinbar noch die Glückhormonpegel des Kinoerlebnisses zu Grunde liegen.
Tenor: MATRIX=Revolutionäre Sci-Fi-Action; besonderes Lob geht weiter an die großangelegte und auch überdimensional gehypte ?Highway-Chase-Sequence?.
Zitat: ?*This movie kicks ass
*It will probably confuse the hell out of a lot of people
This movie is a monster. I love movies like this: as soon as you walk out of it, you end up discussing it with your friends for the next three hours.?
No 1, von ?Neill Cumpston?
Sehr konfuses Review, angeblich das erste RELOADED-Review überhaupt.
Tenor: Überragende visuelle Wertigkeiten, beeindruckende Happenings von Anfang bis Ende.
Zitat: ?MY HINT: Stay through the credits and you get to see a trailer for MATRIX: YOU WILL SHIT, the third movie.
That?s it. Best movie of the year. I still want to see HULK-MAN and the werewolf thing and I think there?s something where you get to see a hot Asian?s boobs, but they?re not going to get close to this one. Here?s my blurb if they?re putting blurbs in ads:
?MATRIX: KINGDOM OF ASS-KICKING is like if all of Anthrax?s albums formed into a hot chick who had to fuck you ten times a day or she gets pee-cancer.?
No 2, von Ronald ?Ron? Epstein
Ein ?let-down?; lesenswert
Tenor: MATRIX II enttäusche mit einer Story, die sich hinter den visuellen Auswüchsen, Ausnahmezuständen und Extravaganzen zu sehr zurücknehme. Dahinter scheint durch: Das Kultpotenzial, das M1 gerade seiner metaphysisch grundierten Geschichte verdankt, sei hier minimiert...
Zitat: "The story is no longer thought-provoking. You no longer care for its characters and the thus, the film no longer reaches out to your emotions. The film just seems to drag on for the entire first hour, looking more like a Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome entry than a sci-fi flick, with long stretches of dialogue that seem to go on forever."
No 3, von Captain Morgan
Ein vergleichsweise sachliches, nicht überschwänglich hysterisches und hypegenährtes Review.
Tenor: Großes Sommer-Actionsspektakel.
Zitat: ?In a nutshell, THE MATRIX RELOADED delivers on pretty much every level. Everything you could want in an ass-kicking summer juggernaut is on display. [?]
It really is a thing of beauty to witness the aesthetic evolution of the Wachowski brothers. With RELOADED, they've turned badass cinema into an art form.?
No 4, von Rufus T. Firefly
Ein sehr unsachliches, undifferenziertes Fanboy-Review, dem scheinbar noch die Glückhormonpegel des Kinoerlebnisses zu Grunde liegen.
Tenor: MATRIX=Revolutionäre Sci-Fi-Action; besonderes Lob geht weiter an die großangelegte und auch überdimensional gehypte ?Highway-Chase-Sequence?.
Zitat: ?*This movie kicks ass
*It will probably confuse the hell out of a lot of people
This movie is a monster. I love movies like this: as soon as you walk out of it, you end up discussing it with your friends for the next three hours.?