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"I just saw the screening last night in Arizona near Arizona State University. It was weird at first going to see a movie and not having any real idea of which movie they were going to screen. Luckily we didn't get stuck with some lame romantic comedy! I have to say that a lot of people's worries about Miami Vice being cool or if it'll do the tv show justice can be put to rest. After seeing it there's no way in hell I could picture it being an 80's cop drama with cheeseball music and art deco designs everywhere. It just wouldn't fit. It's very rough and tough like the trailer suggests and Mann's recent hand held/low light video shooting style only enforces that more. While Jamie Foxx and Collin Farrel were both good as Crocket and Tubbs, for me the thing that made the movie was the whole drug trafficing aspect of it. Seeing these places in South America that just blow the mind at how different/dangerous/cool they are. You get a very good sense of what people who actually do this stuff for a living has to deal with. There's always a large level of danger to the movie and it seems very real, unlike an action movie like The Rock that is over the top and has one liners every five minutes. This movie is very serious and will be a definite R rating unless they do some MAJOR cutting. The other big thing for me was some of the photography. There are a couple shots in this movie that are jaw droppingly beautiful. Some of the music and effects were still in the temp stage but they thankfully weren't at such an early stage to take me out of the movie. I was very fortunate to be able to see a big summer movie so early on and it'll be interesting to see if and how much it changes between now and the release..."
Needless to say, this film is not a literal port of Mann?s pastel-laden, design-conscious 1980s television series...
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