Episode IX Spoiler Offizielle Bilder und Spyfotos - Star Wars: Episode IX

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Holy Moly, grad im Internet gefunden. Gelbes Lichtschwert - wie es ein gewisser Jemand geleakt und prophezeit hat.
Das Bild ist aus keinem Trailer sondern sieht danach aus als hätte das jemand von seinem TV einfach abfotografiert...
Also wenn jetzt Disney/LF auch noch der komplette Film geleaked/durch die Mäusepfoten gerutscht ist und der auf Tauschbörsen demnächst die Runde macht, wär das wohl ein Supergau.

edit: Könnte auch ne Kinoleinwand sein und vlt waren manche Kinobetreiber ungeduldig :)
Gibt es da auch was neues? War alles schon mal auf Reddit, zumindest die 3. Wurde von der Maus nur wieder entfernt.

Diese Pics waren noch nie auf Reddit. Achso, doch ja das dritte schon. Der Rest nicht der im Prinzip alles "bestätigt" bzw. war der Plotbericht von dem Dude der den Film heut sah (von dem a die Pics stammen) auch schon geloescht innerhalb von ein paar Stunden.
Oh my God...muss mir unbedingt das Lachen im Kino verkneifen....

Ich hab mir schon gedacht, dass das was manche von uns bereits von JP wissen, wahr sein wird. Das war alles viel zu detailliert, dass es denn ein Hirngespinst wäre (nach den ersten Trailern war eh alles klar).

Ich bin nun gespannt auf meinen morgigen Kinobesuch und hoffe auf eine tolle Umsetzung in Bild und Ton von dem Ganzen.
Diese Pics waren noch nie auf Reddit. Achso, doch ja das dritte schon. Der Rest nicht der im Prinzip alles "bestätigt" bzw. war der Plotbericht von dem Dude der den Film heut sah (von dem a die Pics stammen) auch schon geloescht innerhalb von ein paar Stunden.

Nein ich habe alle 3 schon mal auf Reddit gesehen.

Was ich noch sagen wollte über die 2 anderen Bilder die du gepostet hat, die stammen vermutlich von dem 10 Minütigen Bilder Reel also das Lichtschwert und das Holochron. Hab ich über Twitter erfahren, 10 Minuten vor dem Film liefen nur Bilder über die Leinwand.

Die Edit-funktion buggt bei mir gerade, will einfach meinen Text nicht annehmen.
Was ich noch sagen wollte über die 2 anderen Bilder die du gepostet hat, die stammen vermutlich von dem 10 Minütigen Bilder Reel also das Lichtschwert und das Holochron. Hab ich über Twitter erfahren, 10 Minuten vor dem Film liefen nur Bilder über die Leinwand.

Also geupped hat diese Bilder ein gewisser Joey auf Reddit der auch gleich einen Plotsummary mitangehängt hat. Innerhalb von 3h war alles inkl. seinem Account verschwunden...

Nein Sorry aber willst du mir jetzt echt erklären diese Bilder stammen von der Premiere - und bei dieser wurde 10 Minuten vor dem Film Standbilder aus dem Film gezeigt? Und dass diese Fotos somit ein Besucher der world premiere gemacht hat?

Also ich bin wirklich kein misstrauischer Mensch aber die Quelle auf Twitter zeigst mir bitte die du erwähnt hast und auf der deine Aussagen beruhen :)
Nein Sorry aber willst du mir jetzt echt erklären diese Bilder stammen von der Premiere - und bei dieser wurde 10 Minuten vor dem Film Standbilder aus dem Film gezeigt wurden? Und dass diese Fotos somit ein Besucher der world premiere gemacht hat?

Also geupped hat diese Bilder ein gewisser Joey auf Reddit der auch gleich einen Plotsummary mitangehängt hat. Innerhalb von 3h war alles inkl. seinem Account verschwunden...

Also ich bin wirklich kein misstrauischer Mensch aber die Quelle auf Twitter zeigst mir bitte die du erwähnt hast und auf der deine Aussagen beruhen :)

Ich such es raus, kann aber bis heute abend dauern. Ich bin auf dem Weg zur Arbeit und wie gesagt, das Forum macht gerade mucken auf dem Handy.

The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE.

GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom Emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power....
Also manche Leute haben echt Eier aus Stahl... Da hat doch tatsächlich ein europäischer Kinobetreiber den Film mehr oder weniger "live-getickert" während er ihn geschaut hat, wenn ich die zahlreichen Userkommentare richtig gedeutet habe. Ist natürlich alles gelöscht. Auf Reddit wurde sein Inhalt wieder raufgeladen... Der besagte Account des Users/Liveticker-Typ ist mittlerweile natürlich auch komplett gelöscht / gebannt.

Das muss man sich echt erstmal trauen :)

Anbei im Spoiler-Tag die Textschnippel von dem Typ.

[–]rulssi 4 points 36 minutes ago "Man, I really just want one amazing lightsaber fight scene. Every movie has at least a decent one. We've yet to have a good one in this new trilogy and I don't count the scene in tlj because the blades didn't touch. The fight scene between Ren and Rey better be 25 minutes long to make up for sucking these past two movies. "

So sorry to disappoint you, the lightsaber fight scenes were a bit lackluster. There's few small moments where the fighting is good though but don't expect too much.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 6 points 54 minutes ago Nope, Luke still had a major role in the whole story. Rey would have never found a way to exogol without Luke already searching for Palpatine years ago.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of SKywalker Opening Crawl (Repost) by makesyoufeeldejavu in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 10 points an hour ago Got shadowbanned so might as well start dropping the real bombs :D, Rey is actually Sheev Palpatines granddaughter. Her parents died to hide her away and were killed by Palpatine. Ever since Palpatine has been trying to locate the daughter, there's a small conflict why he wants Ren to kill her and I'm not entirely sure what that was about. And apparently Luke was already searching for Exogol long time ago and Rey follows his footsteps to find it.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (134)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 7 points an hour ago Its true, I feel like nobody here believes my posts but you gonna find out in few hours. Rey dies while fighting Palpatine, Kylo/Ben crawls back and uses his last force to resurrect Rey. She wakes up and realizes that Kylo is truly gone and she just sees Ben. She immediately kisses him as a thank you/goodbye, Ben smiles and starts to become one with the force. They don't say anything to each other, Rey sheds few tears :( Kylo also threw his own lightsaber away so that's why he has blue lightsaber in the fight.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 3 points an hour ago Nope, unless he was one of the Jedi voices that Rey hears.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 5 points an hour ago Rey gives him a kiss, Ben smiles and disappears to become one with the force. It was actually pretty good scene

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 5 points an hour ago Yeah that's pretty much how the movie ends. Rey goes back to Tatooine to bury the lightsabers and takes Skywalker name instead of Palpatine.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points an hour ago I have, It unlocked here 6 hours ago in my Country. I tested the picture and audio for the movie. I'm not stupid enough to take and post pictures here though.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points an hour ago He might have removed the pics himself to save his job.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points an hour ago That's why I didn't take pictures while watching it. My contract is pretty heavily against that kind of thing..

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points an hour ago And Rey isn't kissing Kylo, he is kissing Ben. Kylo "dies" midway through the film.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points an hour ago He is one with the force now unless they go back in time :(

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 4 points 2 hours ago Get prepared, its not as bad as people think its gonna be. It actually fitted very well

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 3 points 2 hours ago I finished the whole movie 2 hours ago..

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points 2 hours ago It does, I actually liked that part.. Fuck, I had to edit quick because I spoiled a lot in that..

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points 2 hours ago Mostly they just fly into walls/cliffs and explode, I actually have no idea why they even fly.. Guess it wasn't enough that the storm troopers can't aim but now they are trying to fly too and its just.. messy

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points 2 hours ago Oh and Rey kisses Ren. Just had to drop that on you guys. ;)

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 3 points 2 hours ago* Nope, Poe has a woman from his time as a spice runner, things didn't end up between them well though. Not sure what happened but the woman wanted Poe dead when they first meet in this movie. Finn finds a woman too, a woman who used to be a stormtrooper as well. They hit it pretty well and take down a Imperial Capital ship together :3

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 3 points 2 hours ago My favourite character was that small chinese rat with mustache messing with C-3P0s head. I hope they show that guy in this stream :D

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points 2 hours ago He is not, he might be one of the jedi voices that Rey hears but I didn't recognize his voice at all. I'm gonna check that part tomorrow again just to be sure.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award The Rise of Skywalker World Premiere Live Stream Megathread by JediPaxis in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points 2 hours ago She does.. you can see her eyes for 10 seconds and that's it.. Even in the end when everyone is celebrating she is just there staring at Poe.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (2123)reportgive award Rey with new lightsaber by FeyWatch in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 2 points 3 hours ago Yup, I just watched the movie and got home about 1 hour ago. Working as a projectionist has some benefits :)

SPOILERpermalinksavecontextfull comments (574)reportgive award Rey with new lightsaber by FeyWatch in StarWarsLeaks

[–]rulssi 3 points 3 hours ago She fights her illusion with double-bladed red lightsaber for a while, that scene was way too short though :(

Edit: and I mean the illusion has the double-bladed sword

SPOILERpermalinksavecontextfull comments (574)reportgive award Turret doubles as ammo pack! Am I the last to know? by imcreepingdeath in Planetside

[–]rulssi 2 points 7 years ago Oh I tried it quickly and the range/duration seemed smaller so I thought it was just rank 1. If its the current rank then this is awesome!

permalinksavecontextfull comments (23)give award Turret doubles as ammo pack! Am I the last to know? by imcreepingdeath in Planetside

[–]rulssi 2 points 7 years ago* Seems like its just the rank 1 ammo pack, I currently have the rank 4 so I don't think I'm gonna use this. Its a shame cause I really do want mines but I don't want to give up my ammo packs because I have spent points on it.

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Okay... JediPaxis leaks stimmten alle. Hier und da wurde das ganze von diesem User noch um ein paar Details ergänzt. Ohje. :-D


The username is CallMeBenSwolo on Twitter.

Here's what they've said so far (will be editing as they post more):

- Some more confirmation that, yes, Kylo dies after his redemption. Kylo revives Rey. They smile at each other, she says "Ben" and they kiss. Kylo disappears like Luke when he dies. They do not say "I love you."

- Rey is the granddaughter of Grandpapa Palps. Takes the name Rey Skywalker at the end (whole Tatooine scene is true). Rey having BB8 at the end isn't explained. Finn & Poe are alive, but they are not with her in the final scene.

- Leia and Kylo have no scenes together. Rey stabs Kylo during their fight at the same moment Leia dies. Rey cries and heals him after.

- Han is in the movie. Anakin's voice IS in the movie. Hayden voiced Anakin.

- "You can't hide, Rey. Not from me." -line from Kylo.

- "Kylo holds her sweetly when he brings her back to life," and says the force bond is stronger than ever.

- Jannah isn't confirmed to be Lando's daughter. Poe lives. Knights of Ren are hardly in the movie (I'm assuming they only appear in the helmet repair scene and when Rey & Kylo fight them). Doesn't remember KoR having any dialogue.

- " No they don't really fight [Palpatine]. Yes he shoots lightning into the sky"

- Nobody ends up with anyone in a romantic sense at the end of the movie.

- Movie doesn't explain how Palpatine is back. Palpatine created Snoke and there are a couple tanks with Snoke clones in them. Nothing else is explained.

- Kylo's reaction to seeing Rey dead: "Panicked and hurt. It was well acted but still so awkward because of pacing.

- After the redemption, Ben doesn't have any lines. Apparently his character overally doesn't have as many lines in this movie. (Lots of people talking about this part: I doubt he has way less dialogue because he's one of the main characters and has a ton of scenes with Rey.)

- About Reylo moments: " There were honestly moments that could have been so hot if they'd been handled better. They way they talked to each other was kinda 'wink wink' and the force bond was really strong so that was cool"

- Only the force ghosts of Luke & Leia are at the end.

- Leia's last word is "Ben"

- "First [Palpatine] wants Rey to kill him, then when she doesn't, Rey just reflects his lightning back at him until he dies. They don't fight Palps. Ben gets yeeted into the Pit"

- Answering what Palpatine does in the movie (kinda vague): "He does nothing but talk shit to Kylo who doesnt listen to him anyway. But Ian's performance was still great."

- "Luke's ghost appeared to catch Rey's saber when she tried to throw it away."

- Hux is RIP. He was revealed as a spy because he basically wanted to tear Kylo down. He helps Finn & Poe escape. Gets killed by Pryde.

- Rey fought Dark Rey, which was a vision, for a little bit then the vision disappeared. This sequence is on the wreckage of the Death Star.

- "The opening scene is actually the Kylo on the red planet scene and it has little added context! He is there to get a way finder to Sith Land, and immediately arrives there and it goes right into the scenes from the Kylo tv spot. That's literally the opening of the movie."

- Rose and Rey didn't speak to each other.

- About the LGBT moment in the movie: " That woman that is close to Leia and Holdo? She kisses a woman in the background at the end."

- Ben says to Rey: "You wanted to take my hand." And Rey responds to the comment later in another scene by saying, "I did want to take your hand. Ben's hand."

- Says it's implied that Finn is going to confess his feelings for Rey (their interpretation), but it doesn't happen. Rey confides in Finn and prefers him over Poe because she doesn't get along with him.

- Han appears to Kylo and they have a very similar conversation as the TFA bridge moment (even some exact dialogue). Ben says "You're just a memory." Han says "Your memory," touches his face. And Ben turns and tosses away his red saber. "Leia used her last strength to reach out to Ben and call his name. He felt it and saw Han afterward. These two interactions cause his turn."

- Why Finn screams "Rey!" in the trailers: " He was just worried about Rey fighting Kylo. He actually falls because Rey force pushes him back, presumably to keep him away from the fight."

- "Ben destroys Reys wayfinder and it pisses her off. He doesn't fight her back too much. Whenever she stops swinging, he stops." There's a moment when they fight where Kylo knocks Rey down and the reason she's able to get the upper hand and stab him is because Leia calls to him through the force and dies. Kylo destroys the wayfinder because "He wants her to use his with him. He says "The only way you are getting there is with me" and crushes hers"

- List of deaths they remember: Boolio, Hux, Pryde, Leia, Ben, Snap Wexley, Rey (temporarily), Palpatine

- "Ben comes to save her from becoming Empress Palpatine (I'm serious) and revives her when killing Palps kills her. Ben never wanted her dead. She instantly regrets stabbing him."

- Palpatine is waiting for Rey to come kill him so all the Sith can inhabit her body. Then he gets rejuvenated by Ben and Rey's combined energies/powers/something like that, and decides to kill them

- There is a flashback scene of Luke training Leia in the Force and lightsaber combat. She even had a saber which Force Ghost Luke gives to Rey. Leia has been training Rey in the Force. Rey can straight up float while also levitating tons of rocks around her.

- KoR gang up on Kylo and are beating him when Rey initiates a force bond and gives him a lightsaber through the bond.

- Lando flies the falcon and bring a bunch of ships to the big fight at the end.

- Kylo and Chewie also have no scenes together.

- "Rey stole Ben's ship on the death star and takes it to Ach-to to hide out there forever like Luke, so she destroys it so she cant leave." "Then she goes to throw her saber into the flames but ghost Luke catches it and then gives her Leia's saber and then lifts the x-wing out of the water. That's how Rey gets off Ach-to"

- During the Pasaana scene after Rey destroys Kylo's first ship: "Ben walks up to Rey to push her into using the dark side to prove she's a Palpatine."

- Palpatine tells Kylo to kill Rey and Kylo basically refuses (he doesn't outright say it though). Kylo is done taking orders.

- In the scene where the voices of the Jedi come to aid Rey, they tell her to rise and that she has all of the power of the Jedi. Anakin's voice is there, so is Ahsoka's. A lot of the dialogue overlaps. Yoda's voice is there. Confirmed Obi-Wan's voice is too. Thinks Mace Windu's voice is in it.

- Force dyad is in the movie. Ben & Rey have a very deep connection.

- How Rey's resurrection and Rey/Kylo kiss happens: "Ben climbs out of the pit, sees fallen Rey from a distance and rushes over as best he can, limping. He gets to her and pulls her into his lap and holds her to his chest, heartbroken. Then he calms himself, leans her back, lays hands, and revives her. When she comes back, she holds his hand, looks into his eyes, smiles huge, calls him Ben, and they have a solid full contact kiss for about 2 seconds? He smiles back. Then he abruptly falls over dead, she touches him, and he vanishes." So he died happy.

- C3PO gets his memory back.

- There is a moment where Chewie mourns Leia :(

This person has VERY negative feelings on the movie. A lot of their tweets may be somewhat biased because of that. Many are about their own opinions on the movie so I will not be including those. Everyone should form their own opinion after seeing it themselves. Keep in mind that TLJ sounded awful based on the leaks, but many people ended up liking it (people from this sub included). If you're planning on seeing it, my advice would be to go in the theater with an open mind.
Gott bin ich froh, dass ich nur wenige Spoiler / bzw. wenige Leaks kenne, sonst wäre ich jetzt schon entäuscht.
Aber auch die Trailer und Teaser haben bereits ordentlich an Info rausgehauen. War dann wohl doch kein Marketing Coup von Disney. :zuck:
War dann wohl doch kein Marketing Coup von Disney. :zuck:

Nein natürlich nicht auch wenn sich das viele (auch hier im Forum) gewünscht hatten.

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