Old Republic: (12)
1. Alek "Squint" Squinquargesimus (Old Republic) [could be just "Squint"]
2. Atton Rand (Old Republic)
3. Bao-Dur (Old Republic)
4. Carth Onasi (Old Republic)
5. Master Lucien Draay (Old Republic)
6. Mira (Old Republic)
7. (?)Old Republic Soldier(?) [could be "Elite Old Republic Soldier" or something]
8. (?)Old Republic Soldier(?) [could be "Elite Old Republic Soldier" or something]
9. Visas Marr (Old Republic)
10. Wookiee Elite Warrior (Old Republic)
11. Zayne Carrick (Old Republic)
12. Wookiee(?) (Old Republic?) [the other Wookiee wearing similar armor is OR]
Sith: (11)
13. Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith (Sith)
14. Darth Sion (Sith)
15. Elite Sith Trooper(?) (Sith) [red armor--could be "Sith Heavy Trooper" or something]
16. Sith Assassin(?) (Sith?) [guy with red lightsaber, just a guess on name, but probably starts with "Sith"]
17. Sith Assault Droid Mark IV (Sith) [pretty sure this is what the large Droid is on the top shelf]
18. Sith Soldier(?) (Sith?) [guy with Vibroblade and black and white outfit on bottom row, guess on name]
19. Sith Trooper(?) (Sith) [could be any variation]
20. Sith Trooper(?) (Sith) [could be any variation]
21. Sith Trooper(?) (Sith) [might not even be a Sith Trooper]
22. Storm Beast (Sith?)
Republic: (8)
23. Captain Panaka (Republic)
24. Captain Tarpals (Republic)
25. Gungan with Boomer(?) (Republic) [probably starts with "Gungan"]
26. Gungan with Shield(?) (Republic) [probably starts with "Gungan"]
27. Gungan with Stick(?) (Republic) [probably starts with "Gungan"]
28. Jar Jar Binks (Republic)
29. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan (Republic)
30. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (Republic)
Rebel: (3)
31. Han Solo, Smuggler (Rebel)
32. Leia Organa, Senator (Rebel)
33. Luke Skywalker, Jedi (Rebel)
Imperial: (2)
34. Darth Vader, Scourge of the Jedi (Imperial)
35. (?)RA-7 Protocol Droid(?) (Imperial?) [could be "Death Star Droid" or something else entirely]
New Republic: (1)
36. General Wedge Antilles (New Republic)
Fringe: (17)
37. ASN-121 Courier Droid(?) (Fringe?)
38. Boma (Fringe) [I think the beast on the top shelf is a Boma]
39. Czerka Scientist (Fringe)
40. Echani Handmaiden (Fringe)
41. GenoHaradan Assassin (Fringe)
42. Jarael (Fringe)
43. Jawa(?) (Fringe?) [probably starts with "Jawa"]
44. Jolee Bindo (Fringe)
45. Juhani (Fringe)
46. Kreia (Fringe)
47. Massiff (Fringe) [the smaller beast on the bottom shelf looks more like a Massiff than a Cannok]
48. (?)Mining Droid Mark II(?) (Fringe?) [this blurry "droid" could be anything]
49. Mission Vao (Fringe)
50. Shyrack (Fringe) [the large thing on the top left of the top shelf--thanks to Salle for identifying it]
51. (?)T1-LB(?) (Fringe?) [probably non-Unique, so I'm not sure how they'll name him]
52. T3-M4 (Fringe)
53. (?)Tusken Raider(?) (Fringe?) [probably non-Unique, so probably starts with "Tusken"]
54. Zaalbar (Fringe)
Mandalorians: (6)
55. Mandalore the Ultimate (Mandalorian)
56. Mandalorian Death Watch (Mandalorian)
57. Mandalorian(?) (Mandalorian) [probably starts with "Mandalorian"]
58. Mandalorian(?) (Mandalorian) [probably starts with "Mandalorian"]
59. Mandalorian(?) (Mandalorian) [probably starts with "Mandalorian"]
60. Yellow Trooper(?) (Mandalorian?) [I think this guy's a Mandalorian]