...I was wowed by a trailer like I've never been before.
It's just the best trailer of all the Star Wars films, by far.
After the final drums rolled and the recognizeable breathing of Darth Vader faded away, I yelled out - PLAY IT AGAIN! though that didn't happen.
The trailer description posted before was accurate, but it wasn't finalized by then, because music runs throughout and obviously, effects have been finalized. General Grievous is seen, briefly, but his magnaguards are easily recognized in battle.
Space Battle shots....wow, some lower atmospheric battle, dogfighting like I've never seen before and capital ships pounding away at each other.
Mustafar looks unbelieveable in some of the shots, especially the wide shots in the latter part of the trailer with Obi-wan and Anakin dueling close to lava.
one guy brought a camera and it was taken away from him, so I wouldn't have fared any better. After the trailer, the 50 or so people present stood up and gave a rousing applause, though one guy said: "this one will probably suck too," to which I replied "You're just a stupid, stupid person"
It was confirmed yet again from these people that the trailer will be seen with Robots on March 11, but should appear on the internet and on TV that week as well.
As of right now, I am feeling, however naive I may be at this moment, that Revenge of the Sith will be the best Star Wars movie of all of them. This trailer doesn't leave you thinking otherwise.
There's one shot near the end of the trailer of Obi-wan on Utapau fighting the Magnaguards with Grievous approaching with tons of droids that reminded me of the shot in AOTC in the arena with the jedi surrounded.
The dialogue in the movie sounds much less forced, and way more natural I would say...
the Padme crying shot is probably the first bit of real acting I've seen from Natalie this series. The tone of the trailer is definately dark, and the palpatine shots made me gasp a bit, from amazement. It's just really well done.
20th century fox
Lucasfilm Ltd
"The Dark Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."
"Is it possible to learn this power?"
"Not from a Jedi."
Then it's shots of palps talking to anakin, then obi to anakin, then mace to anakin "We do not grant you the rank of master"
At one point there's a quick shot of starfighters dogfighting in the battle. and of a magna guard facing the camera on the invisible hand.
Soon after the droid shot you see Mace barging into Palpatine's quarters.
There's a senate shot that cuts to Palpatine announcing Order 66. which cuts right to Vader (anakin) marching with stormtroopers in the temple.
There's a shot from the clonetrooper loading dock with transports, followed by Kashyyyk shots. This part is action heavy, the camera movements are quick, and really stunning. At one point you see an explosion in the Senate chamber.
The final shots that build up to the titles are Obi-wan and Anakin fighting, "You are the chosen one!" then EPISODE III ROTS.....Vader and Palps, then end credits.
Additional stuff:
There's one amazing Sidious shot with his face twisted that looks terrific.
The space battle stuff really sticks with me more than anything just because I'm most excited for that right now. It's just gorgeous.
Mustafar is very, very red. The shots reallyl give you the impression of hell, and I guess that's why that comparison has been brought up a bunch my Lucas.
There's alot of freeze frame stuff to analyze once it hits the net, trust me.
Theres a few Kashyyyk fighting shots that I really couldn't concentrate on, cause you see Wookies piloting vehicles and it goes really quick. The water on Kashyyyk looks crazy, too.
I keep stressing, the space battle will be the best scene visually in the entire movie and probably the series. I was just wowed by every one of those shots.