Wenn man die Comics nicht einrechnet hat man wohl nichts gefunden. (Yautja und AVP mal nicht mitgezählt)
Xenomorph blood is a potent molecular acid that
Xenomorph XX121 contains within its body. A highly corrosive substance, it is capable of burning through virtually any natural or
man-made material in short order.
I haven't seen anything like that except, uh... molecular acid.""It must be using it for blood.""It's got a wonderful defense mechanism. You don't dare kill it!Dallas, Brett and Parker, regarding Xenomorph blood (from Alien) Xenomorph blood is a potent molecular acid that Xenomorph XX121...
Angeblich konnte man die Apesuits in den Filmen sehen, müsste ich nochmal nachschauen,aber sebst die boten nicht 100% schutz
The Apesuit seemed to have been designed to be able to assist with the handling of Aliens, as Weyland Yutani commandos usually wear it when sent to a location known to have Xenomorphs. The armor is apparently resistant to acid and the helmet protects the wearer from facehuggers, though the success of the helmet has varied, as commandos that have been restrained or are already unconscious would still be vulnerable to them. The earliest versions were bulky and heavy looking, while the mk3 version was more sleeker which likely allowed for better movement.
The Apesuit is a specialized armored suit, used by both the United States Colonial Marine Corps and Weyland-Yutani combat personnel. The suit effectively protects the wearer from the hazardous effects of Xenomorph acidic blood. The Apesuit first appears in Alien3, being worn by the...
Ganz Interesant finde ich auch die Urpsrüngliche Idee zu den Aliens, so quasi das sie nichts weiter als unerzogene Alien Teenys waren
O'Bannon's original concept for the Alien was that it was a member of an advanced civilization, an idea ultimately dropped in favor of a more simplistic, animalistic take. In his initial vision, the final form of the adult Alien was in fact part of a peaceful, cultured race who first had to pass through a period of adolescence, at which stage they were consumed with ferocious violence and aggression.
[48] The creature's incredibly complicated reproductive cycle would form the basis of a religion the species followed, involving the use of sacrificial hosts to breed more young inside ornate, ritualistic pyramids. After birth, the violent adolescent creatures would be tended to by the more docile adults, but when those adults were wiped out by an unknown event, the unborn children were left dormant for thousands or even millions of years, waiting for more hosts to arrive.
[48] It would be one of these hyper-aggressive, untended adolescents that would stalk the crew of the
In Dan's original conception the Alien race had three entirely different stages in its life-cycle. First, the egg, which is tended by third-stage adults and housed in a lower chamber of the breeding temple. When ready to hatch, the egg is placed in the middle of a sacrificial stone and a lower animal, the equivalent of an Alien cow, is then led on to the stone. Sensing the warmth, the Facehugger springs out, attaches itself to the animal and deposits a fetus into the stomach. The Facehugger soon drops off and the fetus develops inside, eventually chewing its way out and killing its host. This creature, the Chestburster, is the Alien's second stage, and it simply runs about eating, mindlessly carnivorous. At this stage the creature is still controlled and nurtured by adult Aliens, until the Chestburster begins losing appendages and becomes more and more harmless. Finally – its bloodlust gone – the Alien becomes a mild, intelligent creature, capable of art and architecture, which lives a full, scholarly life of 200 years. At some point a cataclysm causes the extermination of the adults of this unique race leaving no one to tend and nurture the young. But in a dark lower chamber of the breeding temple a large number of eggs lie dormant, waiting to sense something warm."―Ron Cobb on the Alien civilization envisioned by O'Bannon.