Lucas geht es wohl einfach nicht darum, dass alles perfekt aussieht. Ich glaube Lucas geht es in Effekthinsicht primär darum, dass seine Filme für den Zuschauer einigermaßen glaubwürdig aussehen (und das taten sie bei ihrer Veröffentlichung für Zuschauer, die nicht in jeder Szene nach Effekten Ausschau hielten) und dass seine Firmen Konkurrenzfähigkeit behalten und/oder ausbauen (vor allem in Hinblick auf das Preis/Leistungsverhältnis).
Wasting time and money has never been Lucas' style. In fact, although the effects were curcial, providing a majority of the film's evironments and many of its supporting characters, the director had little interest in overtaxing time and resources to achieve effects that were prestine. "I'm a strong proponent, for better or worse, of making a film that works," Lucas said. "I want the audience to be entertained by the film, moved by the film, educated by the film - but I'm not all interested in having it to be technically perfect, because technical perfection has nothing to with telling a story.
Auszug aus "Mythmaking - Behind The Scenes of Attack Of The Clones"
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